ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship

Dedicated ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship in Ukraine

In partnership with the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce, the dedicated Ukraine Hub was established to strengthen the resilience of Ukrainian SMEs and support refugees, in response to Russia’s invasion of the country.

For more information about the hub in Ukraine

How does the ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship in Ukraine work ? 

Leveraging the strength of ICC’s global network of businesses, chambers of commerce, academic institutions, and intergovernmental and governmental agencies, the ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship aims to support the survival of Ukrainian SMEs affected by the conflict, by building durable opportunities and hope through entrepreneurship. 

The launch of the Centre of Entrepreneurship for Ukraine builds on ICC’s commitment since the conflict’s onset, to mobilise private sector action, in line with ICC’s purpose to enable business worldwide to secure peace, prosperity and opportunity for all. 

What are the Ukraine hub’s three key areas of work? 

Restart – Jobs and Entrepreneurship 

Jobs for Ukraine 

Partnering with Adecco to promote the platform “Jobs for Ukraine” which aims to help refugees apply for any open positions

Supporting Ukrainian Women-led business 

Working with ICC’s network of national committees, chambers and global and regional partners to raise awareness about programmes and opportunities available to women, particularly women refugees, that could help provide necessary training and support to help establish their businesses. 

Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Investing 

Partnering with EBAN to promote the project “EBAN Stands with Ukraine” which gathers all initiatives across the European angel investing and entrepreneurship landscape as well as ways to help such as donations or publishing job postings from the EU tech and start-up communities for displaced Ukrainians. 

Connect – Resilience 

Connecting SMEs 

Leverage ICC’s worldwide network of chambers, national committees and partners by providing a venue to help connect and support SMEs still operating in the Ukraine and Ukrainian-owned SMEs who have been established outside of the country since the conflict. 

Mentorship for Ukrainian SMEs 

Through the ICC CoE match-making platform, provide mentorship for Ukrainian SMEs in different areas such as marketing, finance resilience and access to finance. Mentors and mentees will be able to meet online and share knowledge to support the resilience of marketing (“corporate mentorship” model). 

Fund – Building the Future 

Finance for SMEs 

Empower Ukrainian MSMEs through ICC TRADECOMM, an open marketplace that matches accredited financiers with MSME buyers and sellers to unlock working capital by financing their invoices by channelling the short term capital they need to trade both domestically and internationally. 

Investing in Commodity Trade 

ICC is working closely with TradeFlow Capital Management, an investment fund that takes a non-credit approach to enabling physical commodity to import/export transactions. TradeFlow Capital Management has a history of supporting commodity trade in Ukraine and is eager to collaborate with ICC to ensure that we provide the support Ukraine commodity traders need to continue trading internationally.

Photo Credit: Xavier Granet. Attribution must be given to Xavier Granet when using this photo.

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