Chamber Model Innovation (CMI)

Chamber Model Innovation (CMI) is a new framework designed to fast-track Chamber-led innovation around the world. The methodology was approved and adopted by WCF during the 12th World Chambers Congress in 2021.

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CMI is a process which can be used by any Chamber to start designing new customer services and streamlining existing services to match customer needs. The framework allows fast, cost-effective prototyping and testing of the service before the Chamber commits resources and time for it. It also allows us to capture value – we monetize the services while helping our customers to grow their business. 

In order to roll out CMI adoption around the world, WCF launched a series of initiatives: 

The CMI Playbook provides a roadmap for Chambers as well as practical knowledge, tools and case studies advising them on how to integrate the Chamber Model Innovation framework efficiently and successfully within their organizations. 

To read more about the background of the framework and how to apply it, download the playbook available in English or Spanish